Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the course language of the SLE Study Programme?

The SLE Postgraduate Programme is conducted entirely in English. Depending on the partner country, additional language skills may be required during the JIRP phase. Participants have the opportunity to independently request language courses at SLE and have them carried out. Usually, German and French courses are offered at different levels.

2. How do I have to prove my language skills?

In the online application form, you have to assess your language skills yourself. If you are then invited to the main selection, your language skills will be tested here at SLE (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

3. Can I apply before completing my studies?

Yes. You should then submit an overview of the examinations already graded (Transcript of Records) and a letter from your supervisor for the Master’s thesis confirming that you will complete your studies on time. However, the grading of all examinations and the Master’s thesis must be available before the start of the SLE postgraduate programme (beginning of January), in the form of the university or university of applied sciences certificate or a certificate from your professor. A university or university of applied sciences degree (Master’s or equivalent) is an essential prerequisite for participation in the SLE Studies.

4. Is there an age limit for applicants?

The SLE Study Programme is a programme to promote young professionals entering the field of international cooperation. Usually, the average age of SLE participants is around 29 years, and within a range of 25 and 35 years. Applicants over 30 years of age must not be overqualified for the degree program, which will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

5. Do I have to pay back the scholarship?

No, you do not have to repay the scholarship. The loan share portion of previous years has been canceled. Deviations may occur if you cancel the programme prematurely

6. Can I choose the JIRP project or will I be assigned to it?

The SLE will present the current JIRP projects in early spring and you will then have the opportunity to submit your first and second preferences as well as a brief motivation. When allocating participants, we take into account various criteria such as professional expertise, language skills, the composition of an international team and gender distribution to ensure that all participants are allocated according to their preferences.

7. Are there special requirements for international applicants?

No, there are no special requirements for international applicants.

8. Is there special support for international applicants?

We are aware of the particular logistical challenges faced by international participants. The SLE therefore endeavors to support you, be it during the visa process, in finding accommodation or providing information on health insurance. While we cannot guarantee individual support in all personal matters, we do encourage an early exchange with previous or current participants in similar situations. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any additional funding, for example for travel to Berlin.

9. What is the situation for participants with children?

Participation in the SLE Postgraduate Programme requires a time commitment equivalent to full-time employment. The three-month phase abroad could also pose particular challenges for participants with children. However, we encourage prospective students with family commitments to apply for the programme anyway. By individual arrangement, we offer various support measures, such as special days off, reduced working hours during the plenary phase, child supplements to your scholarship, as well as the possibility of visits during the time abroad and the funded return of parents if required.

10. Something still unclear?

Do you have any further questions or is something still unclear? Please feel free to contact us at: sle(at)agrar.hu-berlin.de