Sorghum fields © Judith Henze

Promoting Green Nutrition for the Sahel region

The NutriGreen project addresses the urgent challenges faced by Senegal and Burkina Faso due to the increasing extreme weather events associated with climate change, which exacerbate food insecurity. NutriGreen focuses on indigenous vegetable and tree crops and aims to strengthen the resilience of local food systems. Through sustainable value chains, innovative technologies and community involvement, NutriGreen aims to increase the production and consumption of these traditional crops to close critical gaps in the food supply, especially during seasonal hunger periods.

In Zitenga on the Plateau Central, Burkina Faso, and in the Thies region, Senegal, NutriGreen will analyze, identify and test innovative production, post-harvest, processing and marketing technologies tailored to the needs of local communities.

NutriGreen is a multi-stakeholder initiative that involves local players in the food system from the outset. The project uses a transformative action learning and co-creation of knowledge approach and involves students to test sustainable intensification and diversification methods with groups of women farmers in climate field schools. In addition, the researchers will work with agricultural entrepreneurs to develop and test new business models. By utilizing indigenous knowledge, sustainable practices and community collaboration, NutriGreen aims to not only address the immediate challenges of food security, but also pave the way for long-term resilience to climate change.

Picture of Dr. Judith Henze

Dr. Judith Henze

Project manager

Picture of Arvid Sprenger

Arvid Sprenger

Student assistant