Rural Youth Climate Action Movement for Cool Farming in Indonesia (RYCAM)

Rural Youth Climate Action Movement for Cool Farming in Indonesia (RYCAM)

JAMTANI promotes agroecology: young plant pots made from banana leaves @Silke Stöber

Turning the tide

Net zero farming & agroecopreneurship with rural youth

This project aims to address the urgent challenges of climate change for Indonesia's food security. Agriculture, forestry and land use contribute to the country's greenhouse gas emissions. Climate, biodiversity, agriculture and food security are to be brought more into harmony. Small-scale farming should also be economically viable and climate-resilient in order to increase its attractiveness and ensure food security.

The use of nature-based solutions ("cool farming") is promising, especially if they are adopted by the younger generation of farmers. The project focuses on empowering young people in rural areas, including students and Generation Z farmers, to drive this transition forward. A Generation Z rural youth network is to be established to promote entrepreneurial, prosperous, gender-equitable and carbon-neutral family farms.

The main activities are (A) a school competition on climate-resilient land use in Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi and Sumatra; (B) an analysis of the economic and technical feasibility of emission-neutral agriculture on family farms; (C) a competition for young farmers on the topic of emission-neutral agroecopreneurship and (D) Guidelines for business start-ups in net zero agriculture, technical guidelines and policy dialog. The school competition is organized by 16 members of the Indonesian Climate Change Alliance (ICCA). The"Cool Farming Challenge" for Generation Z farmers takes place in selected districts on Sulawesi and Java.

Picture of Astari Dharma

Astari Dharma

Project manager

Picture of Cecilia Weissenhorn

Cecilia Weissenhorn

Student assistant