

In today's world of international cooperation, strong analytical, methodological and communication skills are crucial in addition to technical expertise. A value-oriented approach is also becoming increasingly important. The SLE program aims to help prepare you for the challenges of the professional field:

  1. Professional Expertise in Development Policy: Make well-founded contributions and actively bring your knowledge to advisory processes.
  2. Holistic Thinking and Action: Learn to understand complex contexts and to design, manage and evaluate projects at different levels.
  3. Effective Cooperation and Partnership: Move confidently within cooperation structures and actively shape them in a spirit of partnership.
  4. Critical Self-Reflection and Intercultural Awareness: Critically reflect on your skills and your role in the professional field and act sensitively in different social contexts.
  5. Career Entry Support: Define your career paths and goals, get strategies and access to our unique SLE network for your professional development.

“I can say one thing with certainty: participating in the 2020 postgraduate program at the SLE was one of the best things that could have happened to me. The program provided me with the space and tools to reinvent myself, challenged me in ways I didn’t think possible, and ultimately, it gave me the confidence to use my skills and knowledge to tackle future challenges.”

Julia von Freeden
Advisor, GIZ