


Welcome to the SLE Postgraduate Programme "International Cooperation for Sustainable Development"!

Discover our one-year certificate programme for a career in international cooperation. The SLE has a tradition of over 60 years of education and training in the field of international cooperation, combining theory and practice. Our programme is aimed at motivated Master's graduates who wish to deepen and reflect on their professional knowledge, methods and values. Each year we select 20 interdisciplinary and international Young Professionals to join our programme. In Berlin, you can expect an interactive course programme and practical training with hands-on projects in partner countries and in small groups with real-life challenges. Profit from our valuable network and pariticipate in individual coaching for a successful career start in the field of international development. Apply now!

How does the SLE Study Programme work?

The SLE Postgraduate Study Programme runs from January to December each year and consists of two main phases:

  • The Plenary Phase (January to the end of May):
    SLE participants attend technical and methodological courses to deepen their knowledge and broaden their skills. The plenary phase ends with the implementation of the "Development Policy Discussion Days"  -  a series of public panel discussions, organised and moderated by SLE participants and scholars from the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation. 
  • Joint International Research Projects (JIRPs, June to December):
    Participants work in groups on collaborative projects in Berlin and in a partner country. The JIRPs enable participants to apply the knowledge they have acquired and to develop concrete solutions to real-life challenges.

"Participating in the 2020 SLE postgraduate study program has been an excellent experience on a personal and professional level. Moreover, the program has given me the opportunity to be part of a large alumni network. All of this has greatly enhanced my career prospects."

Gabriela Maldonado Castro
SLE Alumni of the 58th cohort

Everything at a glance


In the field of international cooperation, strong analytical, methodological and communication skills are essential alongside technical expertise. A value-based approach is also becoming increasingly important. The SLE programme aims to prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead of you in the field of International Development Cooperationt: 

  1. Professional Expertise in Development Policy: Make informed contributions and actively bring your knowledge to advisory processes.
  2. Holistic Thinking and Action: Learn to understand complex contexts and to design, manage and evaluate projects at different levels.
  3. Effective Collaboration and Partnership: Move confidently within collaborative structures and actively shape them in a spirit of partnership.
  4. Critical Self-Reflection and Intercultural Awareness: Reflect critically on your skills and your role in the professional field and act sensitively in different social contexts.
  5. Career Entry Support: Define your career paths and goals, get strategies and access to our unique SLE network for your professional development.
Outline of the Study Programme
  • One year programme running from January to December
  • Full-time and on-site with compulsory attendance (equivalent to 40 hrs/week)
  • Course language in English and other languages depending on the selection of JIRP partner countries
  • January to May: Modular and interactive plenary phase
  • May: Organisation and implementation of the Development Policy Discussion Days (DPPD)
  • June to July: Development of the study design of the JIRPs
  • August to November: Empirical phase in the partner countries
  • November to December: Finalisation of the JIRPs, completion of the study report, public presentation of the results and transition to entering the job market

You can find the current curriculum here.


The SLE programme is divided into various modules and courses. Further information can also be found in our current curriculum

Module 1: Theory, Policy and Strategies for Sustainable Development

In this module, participants are introduced to current development policy discussions, trends and the underlying theoretical paradigms. The aim is to expand their knowledge, strengthen their analytical skills and get to know the contradictions and areas of tension in this professional field.

Module 2: Communication, Teamwork and Working Techniques

Communication and teamwork are central to SLE training. Participants develop their skills for working in international teams and understand intercultural cooperation. They use their personality and competences in the professional field, reflect on their privileges and strengthen their frustration tolerance and conflict resolution skills.

Module 3: Management Methods for International Cooperation

A wide range of management tools are used in the professional field of international cooperation (IC). The SLE teaches the most important methods and particularly emphasises the discussion about impact orientation and its practical implementation. In addition to international standards such as the Logical Framework, the challenges of complex cooperation projects in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects are also addressed.

Module 4: Professional Field of International Cooperation

The SLE prepares participants specifically for the professional field of international cooperation by promoting individual skills and introducing thematic fields of work and international cooperation organisations. Accompanying coaching provides support with orientation and job applications. At the end of the year, relevant employers present themselves and job application training is offered.

Module 5: Action and Decision-Oriented Research (ADR) and Joint International Research Projects (JIRP)

In Module 5, participants prepare and implement practice-oriented research projects (Joint International Research Projects, JIRP) for development policy organisations and larger research and collaborative projects. The resulting studies and additional products such as manuals, media products and workshops provide practical solutions to problems in international cooperation formulated by the cooperation partners themselves. The three-month empircal phase in partner countries, organised in small groups with SLE participants, team leaders and local partners, is carefully prepared in accordance with the standardised SLE methodological concept. The JIRP is the centrepiece of the SLE training, as it is here that skills and knowledge learnt are put into practice, deepened and applied in teamwork. It also promotes the participants’ conceptual and analytical skills by systematically working on new topics.

Find out more about past and current JIRPs and their practical effects here.

Admission Requirements

The prerequisites of the participation in the SLE Study Programme are as follows:

  • A completed university or university of applied sciences degree (Master’s, Diplom, state examination, doctorate) with at least good grades that qualify for a doctorate at Humboldt-University of Berlin. The Master’s degree must be available by the start of the SLE programme (beginning of January) and is a prerequisite for enrolment at Humboldt-University.
  • Internships, work or study placements in one or more countries
  • Above-average interest in development policy and high motivation for the additional training at SLE.
  • Fluency in English. Further good knowledge is an advantage, especially of the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish.
  • Health suitability for stays in countries with possibly limited health care and higher health risks.
  • Personal suitability for the SLE postgraduate programme.

Please note: The scholarship requires citizenship of an EU member state, transition or developing country (DAC List of ODA Recipients). Citizens of other countries can also participate in the programme, but do not receive any funding.

Do you still have questions left? Then take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Application Process

We accept 20 participants into the SLE postgraduate programme each year. The selection procedure consists of a written application and a selection day.

Our application portal is open from 1 May to 30 June. A pre-selection takes place in August, followed by the main selection in September. The programme begins in January of the following year.

Follow us on LinkedIn to secure your place for a virtual information sessions.

Important Dates

  • Application period: 01 May to 30 June each year
  • Preselection: July/August
  • Main selection: August/September

To the application portal


The SLE Postgraduate Study Programme is 100% funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Berlin Senate and the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Our participants receive:

  • Monthly scholarship from January to December in the amount of 1,300 euros (full scholarship, based on the Young Talent Promotion Act)
  • If applicable, child supplement of 102.26 euros for the first child and 51.13 euros for each additional child.

Please note that semester fees apply for enrollment at Humboldt University of Berlin.

Key Characteristics of the SLE Study Programme
  • Diverse and interdisciplinary composition for a comprehensive perspective
  • Familiar atmosphere due to small group size and intensive exchange
  • Space for self-organised work and peer-to-peer learning
  • Independent working and learning for personal development