







Welcome to SLE TRAINING at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE) of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin!

SLE TRAINING - Training for International Experts and Leaders

We are firmly convinced that sustainable development is a global responsibility requiring transformation. Our role in this mission is to provide ongoing training for international experts from all over the globe. By bringing experts together from different cultures, backgrounds and professions, SLE TRAINING programmes foster an intercultural and interdisciplinary approach. We view co-learning and participation as key components for sustainable development. We cover technical, methodological and management-oriented training areas.  Whether management of development projects, sustainable resource management, climate change adaptation, biodiversity or conflict management, SLE offers the ideal training course for experts in international cooperation.

©Mike Bielski

©Mike Bielski

Training Programme 2024

Explore our training programme 2024 covering topics such as sustainable development, capacity building and organisational development. Led by experienced facilitators and experts in their respective fields, our courses blend theoretical insights with practical applications, ensuring a rich and immersive learning experience. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to deepen your expertise or a newcomer eager to explore new horizons, our courses cater to diverse interests and levels of experience.

Target audience and training methods

Our intensive courses prioritize experiential learning with a focus on „Learning by doing for impact“. Participants hail from diverse backgrounds including development agencies, NGOs, public institutions, universities, researcher institutions, and private sector professionals worldwide. This diverse mix fosters transdisciplinary exchange in an intercultural learning space.

Time and location

Face-to-face training sessions are held at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays, unless specified otherwise. Live online training hours vary; please refer to the course programs for specifics.

Online training courses

Unlike pre-recorded videos or webinars, our online sessions are live, interactive trainings led by our instructors, focusing on small group interaction. Like our in-person courses, these virtual classrooms are customized to participants‘ needs.

To participate, you’ll need a stable high-speed internet connection and a Windows or iOS computer or laptop. We use Zoom for virtual classes, and recommend an external headset for optimal sound quality.


Spaces for each course are limited and fill quickly, though there is no set application deadline. Please review the General Terms and Conditions for our training courses.